багатоквітковий мед

Multi-flower honey is a variety of types of honey whose taste, color and health values depend on the species of plants flying by bees, the diversity of apiary areas and the dates of their acquisition. Multi-flower honey is an example of nectar honey, which usually has a light color and a mild taste. The most popular multi-flower honeys include: light spring honey with a delicate flavor, honey from the middle of summer containing nectar of linden, phacelia, mustard or later with buckwheat or sunflower. A special example of such honey from our apiary is multiflorous meadow honey and lime-blue cream. These are specially selected premium honeys with a unique taste and consistency that you will not find in any other apiary. Multi-flower honeys are honeys with universal healing effects, however, they are most often recommended for pollen allergies, and chewing a honeycomb with multi-flower honey allows patients to become resistant to individual pollen-allergens.