Aкацієвий мед

Acacia honey is made from the nectar of a tree commonly called acacia. The professional name of the acacia found in Europe is Robinia pseudoacacia. Acacia honey has a pale straw color and remains liquid for a long time. This is because it contains more fructose than glucose compared to other types of honey. Thanks to this, acacia honey is possible to consume in diabetic diet in small amounts, if the attending physician allows it. Good acacia honey may not crystallize even the whole year, and this does not mean that it is counterfeit. It has a delicate taste and aroma, so it can be used to sweeten tea and even coffee. Acacia honey is used to treat gastrointestinal and urinary tract diseases and upper respiratory tract inflammation. Acacia honey is one of the most popular honey from Pasieka Dutkowiak in Sulęcin. We have numerous acacia plantings in Lubuskie, we also care for the expansion of the acacia stand in our forest and agricultural areas.

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